bright neon panties for workouts-PLANET PEPPER ASTRO BOOTY PADS

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These are the padding for Astrobooty®, which is a patent pending hip/booty  for butt enhancing, drag queens and cross-dressers. This is a traditional, pageant, hourglass shape  butt lifter. The padding is a medium-density foam that comes in 5 sizes. The butt pads are supposed to be inserted into shorts that secure them. We don’t recommend you buy the pads without the shorts. These are replacements only. 

1. What does a Booty Pad do?

Booty pads enhance the size and appearance of the buttocks, and sometimes the hips as well. They add volume and shape, and create curves.

2. Why do people wear hip pads?

Booty pads enhance the size and appearance of the buttocks, and sometimes the hips as well. They add volume and shape, and create curves.

3. What are hip pads made of?

Hip pads are typically made of foam. They come in different thicknesses, shapes and sizes.